Attention Entrepreneurs and Business Owners...
here are the tools to Grow your business and create a consistent revenue stream.
are YOU challenged with one or all of these issues?
I'm not making sufficient money to help my family with the basics & to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle...
I am not able to generate consistent leads and sell sufficient products and services on a monthly basis...
I have tried and tried but have not found anything that gives me all the tools I need to achieve my goals...
are you behind on the promises you made to your family?
Have you found that running your own business is difficult and lonely?
Are you faced with the heart-wrenching challenge of not meeting the financial expectations you have set with your family? Despite your hard work and dedication, your business is struggling to generate enough revenue and profit. This shortfall not only impacts your ability to support your family's financial needs but also hinders the growth and development of your business. This situation will lead to feelings of guilt, stress, and disappointment, as you grapple with the reality of not fulfilling the promises made to your loved ones.

Is the lack of a steady flow of leads hampering your business's growth and sustainability? As the owner, are you experiencing mounting stress and frustration as every failed attempt to attract leads translates into missed opportunities and potential revenue loss? I realize that this situation not only affects the business's bottom line but also casts a shadow of doubt and uncertainty over your future.
After coaching business owners and entrepreneurs for the last decade here is what I've found...
  I have learned that the business owner is the first person standing in their own way...

  We try to do it on our own without the right help and ensure pain and suffering, This can stop now...

  I am on a mission to help others just like you, by sharing what I've learned and used!
M. Ian Blanchard or Coach IanB...
Coach and business developer to 7 and 8-figure family owned businesses.
I grew up with civil servant parents, who came from civil servant parents and therefore, I am a first-generation business owner. It started with me in a job and continued that way for years. I was buying and selling in my late teens, trying to find ways of generating additional income. I went from miracle polishing cloths, to watches and sewing machine to opening a gift shop and then a full thrift shop, but without the right knowledge and tools they all failed. That's what ignited my quest for knowledge on how to build a successful business. 
Fast forward a couple decades later having worked across the globe and in functional areas from engineering to sales and marketing, it was time to consolidate my knowledge, skills, and experience and put it to the test. 

I purchased an ActionCOACH business coaching franchise, trained in their business building systems, built a coaching firm, became a John Maxwell certified coach, and a number of other programs from Russell Brumson to Jeff Walker and many others. 

Having used my experience, knowledge, and skills to build my own business and coach hundreds of entrepreneurs and business owners to six and seven figures, I'm now offering my model, systems and programs to you!
"Why go through the same pain and difficulties I went through, when you can learn from my experience and fast track your success...
Imagine What Life Would Be Like If your business Could CONTINUALLY generate high 6-figures...
After coaching thousands of business owners for over a decade, these are the secrets I've found and all the tools I've used. 

We've helped our clients generate consistent revenues by selecting the right niche and then creating and refining their products and services with the right messaging. Our programs will help create the right business model. 
Between our program to help generate the right leads and tools on how to sell, we've help keep the life blood of the business flowing. Get specific sales tools and tracking models to ensure your business stays alive and well. 
Do you want access to your own business coach. With lifetime access to my coaching models,  you'll have your own business coach right at your finger tips. Check out the details below...
I'm offering you all the tools and strategies I've used to coach my clients over the last decade IN MY
6-figure business freedom collection!!!
The Six-Figure Business Freedom Collection has all the tools and resources you'll need to get you to over $500,000. From tools to help you create a product or service, finding your ideal niche, to generating leads,  and how to help your prospects buy from you, to tools for keeping your customers and cultivating the right mindset, the Six-Figure Business Freedom Collection has it all. My best resources that I've used to coach thousands of business owners over the last decade is all here!
You'll have life-time access to  your own business growth collection...
here are some of the details of What's Included In the Offer...
There are times we may have a product or service and do not know how to translate it into revenue and a business; this is the ideal starters kit for every entrepreneur. 

With lessons on our financial business model, our product value ladder, the key questions for reviewing your business, creating your marketing copy and a leads and sales tracking model, this initial program has it all.
In this audio program, we'll help you identify profitable business niches, which is immediately going to give you interesting differentiation from your competitors, what's called a unique value proposition, and what's perhaps most importantly, a better way or more ways to promote your business. 

We provide tools on how to turn your passion into a business idea, how to finding your niche, some great niche advise, a range of examples of niches and ideas on niches that are unable to scale. 
One of the biggest challenges facing businesses looking to grow consistently to generate six-figures, is a steady flow of leads. Being able to find the right strategies to attract the right people is key.

This powerful lead generation covers, Lead Magnets - The What and How. Lead Magnets - What they are & how to create them.
Learn how to Generate Leads and how to build a nurture campaign.
To do anything effectively in life, you need to set goals for yourself. However, it's not just about setting goals, it's setting the right goals in the right way. This course will provide you with the tools required to do just that.

We'll cover being specific, whether you can you measure it, if you can achieve it and is it relevant enough. Let us help you set a time frame and a goal setting cheat sheet.
sALES 101
Sales is the life-blood of any business. In fact, each of us sell every day; we sell our children on what they should eat and our partners on how we should spend money. Therefore let's learn how to help others buy!

We will cover the Sales Process, which includes the sales formula, sales strategy, building a prospect list, and the sales conversation, as well as handling Objections. These includes the four types of objections, 5 steps to handling objections and some practical sales examples.
Keeping your customers
Service excellence refers to the ability of a company to consistently meet and even exceed customers' expectations. This includes the following :

Module 1 - The Foundation of Service Excellence including, Lesson 1 - What is Service & Lesson 2 - Key Elements of Service Excellence. Module 2 - Building a Culture of Service Excellence including including, Lesson 1 - Building a Customer Service Culture Part 1, Lesson 2 - Building a Culture of Service Excellence Part 2 & Lesson 3 - Building a Culture of Service Excellence Part 3. Module 3 - Knowledge required for Service Excellence including, Lesson 1 - Know Yourself, Lesson 2 - Know Your Organization, Lesson 3 - Know Your Products & Services & Lesson 4 - Know Your Customers. Module 4 - Effective Communications Skills for Service Excellence including, Lesson 1 - Verbal Skills, Lesson 2 - Non-Verbal Skills, & 
Lesson 3 - Listening Skills. Module 5 - Addressing Customer Issues including, 
Lesson 1 - Addressing Customer Needs, Lesson 2 - Service Recovery Strategy
& Lesson 3 - Roadblocks to Service Recovery.
In the military, soldiers are taught that proper preparation prevents poor performance and this is what this business planning workshop is designed to do. A 45 plus minute video walking through the key elements of business planning.

The workshop showcases the goal setting framework, planning a few years ahead as well as planning for a year, a quarter, a month and then a weekly and daily planning model. Ignore it at your peril!
This is a mind-shifting program. Our biggest challenge in building a business is ourselves. This provide the tools to reframe and reset your mind for success.

With 8 key principles on perspective, converting wishes to desires, living above the line, formula for live success, finding your identity, routines for achievers, the effectiveness formula and cultivating faith and belief. 
Each of these principles will teach you practical tools for personal and business success.
Only on this page, we're going to include some exclusive bonuses you can't get anywhere else!
Super Cool Bonus #1
Personal Branding 101
Personal Brand 101 is aimed at helping you understand the principles of marketing yourself and refining your personal brand. Whether you’re an employee or business owner, it’s important to understand & create a strong and distinctive personal brand.
Super Cool Bonus #2
Power of Continuous Learning
The world is constantly changing and the ability of individuals and companies to continually upgrade their systems, develop their skills and implement new technologies is the only way to sustained success. Learn to be a life-long learner.
Super Cool Bonus #3
Goal Achievers Secrets Black Book
There are habits and behaviors that super achievers have used over the centuries and therefore, are proven skills required for success. Do you want to know what they are? Well in this book, we will break down these principles.
For less than 10% of the value, you'll get access to my entire coaching portfolio; all the tools I've used to get my clients to generate revenues into the high six and seven figures. You get life-time access and any additional changes...
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Take the time to review and use the package for 30 days and if you find that you don't get value, email us and we will refund you fully!

Don't Just Take My Word for it

Hear what a few clients have said...

Janice George - Coach

"Since I’ve started working with Coach IanB, he has helped me to structure my business in a way that is not only more profitable but also saves me time and energy. It’s been three months now and I’ve already seen the results."

Josh Hector - Psychologist

"My 1-2-1 coaching experience with Coach Ian B has revolutionized my business. The structure of my operations has significantly improved which facilitated an immediate cash flow increase."

Murielle Lesales - Chargée de programme

"Today I received the job offer I had been dreaming of for the past ten years. It came into my email box only ten days sharp after my last session of a very eye-opening and life-changing six-month coaching cycle with Ian Blanchard, which is no coincidence." 
here is my promise to you...
You get my entire tool kit that I have used to coach my clients to success over the last decade. You have life-time access which provides you with me as your coaching companion for your journey to Six- Figures 

We provide a 30-day money back guarantee, so if you signup and don't believe we have delivered on what we've promised, then let us know and we'll refund you in full. 

Remember, this collection will give you the tools you need to deliver on the promise you made to your family...
-Coach IanB
Here’s A Recap Of
  •  Business Builders Starters Kit ($297 Value)
  •  Finding Your Niche ($97 Value)
  •  Setting SMART Goals ($97 Value)
  •  How to Multiply Your Leads ($197 Value)
  •  Sales 101 Course ($197 Value)
  • Keeping Your Customers ($497 Value)
  • Achievers Mindset Vault ($247)​
  • ​Personal Branding 101 ($97 Value)
  • Power of Continuous Learning ($147 Value)
  • Time Management is a Hoax ($47 Value
  • ​Introduction to Negotiations ($97 Value)
Total Value : $2017
But today, you're getting all of this...
For Only $197!
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One Time Offer - Only $37: People always wonder: "What happens if I build a funnel, and it FLOPS?” Don’t worry (Most people's do the first time...)! At last year’s Funnel Hacking Live, I gave a special workshop called Funnel Audibles. It shows you a simple process to take ANY funnel that’s broken, and turn it from a ‘zero’ to a ‘HERO’! Click YES to get the training, plus the transcripts and companion workbook that will walk you through how to do a funnel audible on your own funnel now for just $37! (This offer is not available ANYWHERE else on the market!)

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